AdvertCleansing Labourer, Market Stance Depot (0211)37 hours Per Week, Permanent Position£28,652 to £29,732 per annum, inclusive of £2,859 per annum Distant Islands AllowanceA Cleansing Labourer is re...
AdvertCook Supervisor (2463) Sgoil Bhaile a' Mhanaich27.5 hours per week, term time, Permanent post£19,000 - £20,763 per annum, inclusive of £1,789 Distant Islands Allowance per annumThe post holder w...
Housekeeper required for temporary role.We will provide white polo shirt and black apron with pocket - we can get sizes once booked.Bring own safety shoes and waterproof jacket as all rooms are pod s...
Chef needed for temporary role until 24th May £14ph ref 5263700 37 hours a weekIf you are interested in the role, please email your CV to quoting the refe...