Job DescriptionWhat is the role?To assist the Outdoor Learning team in the delivery of outdoor activities and to assist the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award programme in the provision of expeditions and trai...
Job DescriptionWhat is the role?To act as registered peripatetic manager for South Ayrshire Council Out of School Care Clubs and Session Creches.Please click on the option to download additional infor...
Job DescriptionWhat is the role?To promote and provide a Justice social work service through the use of professional assessment and analysis of collated information, identify goals and the focus of in...
Job DescriptionWhat is the role?To provide assessment, therapeutic intervention, advice and information to promote the independence of those with a physical disability whilst supporting their carers a...
Job DescriptionWhat is the role?South Ayrshire is a stunning part of Scotland, offering a unique blend of coastal beauty, vibrant towns, and picturesque rural communities. With excellent road and rail...
Job DescriptionWhat is the role?The role of the Depute Head Teacher is to assist and, where necessary, to deputise for the Head Teacher in the conduct of the school's affairs.Please click on the optio...
Job DescriptionWhat is the role?This post offers the opportunity to join a dynamic Educational Psychology Service whose vision is of ‘equity, excellence and empowerment through psychology’. We have a ...
Job DescriptionWhat is the role?To co-ordinate the delivery of an effective and efficient Estates service for both leased and vacant land and buildings.The marketing and disposal of property, includin...
Job DescriptionWhat is the role?Under the direction of the Team Leader, be responsible for the delivery of high quality sports instruction.Please click on the option to download additional information...
Job DescriptionWhat is the role?To be responsible for the leadership, good management and strategic direction of colleagues and be committed to critical self-evaluation and be fully responsible for du...
Job DescriptionWhat is the role?Under the guidance of the Sports and Places Maintenance Officer (Spaces and Places), contribute to the ongoing maintenance of all Sport and Leisure facilities ensuring ...
Job DescriptionWhat is the role?To relieve teachers of non-teaching duties including classroom administration and practical tasks such as the preparation of teaching materials.Support the learning act...
Job DescriptionWhat is the role?To provide a laundry service and to ensure that the laundry and establishment are cleaned to a high standard and in doing so make sure that Infection Control Systems ar...
Job DescriptionMODERN APPRENTICESHIP OPPORTUNITIES Business and Administration As one of South Ayrshire’s largest employers we strongly believe in developing people to their full potential. Our Moder...
Job DescriptionWhat is the role?You will provide a quality teaching service in Kyle Academy.Please click on the option to download additional information on this vacancy to access the Job Description ...
Job DescriptionWhat is the role?To provide a Community Care Assessment and Care Management Service to individuals within the following client groups: older people; mental health; learning disabled; ph...
Job DescriptionWhat is the role?You will provide a quality teaching service in Kyle Academy.Please click on the option to download additional information on this vacancy to access the Job Description ...
Job DescriptionWhat is the role?You will provide a quality teaching service in Queen Margaret Academy.Please click on the option to download additional information on this vacancy to access the Job De...
Job DescriptionWhat is the role?You will provide a quality teaching service in Marr College.Please click on the option to download additional information on this vacancy to access the Job Description ...
Job DescriptionWhat is the role?To assist in providing a flexible model of care to ensure the well-being of service users by maintaining recognised standards of both care and practice across all setti...
Job DescriptionWhat is the role?You will provide a quality teaching service in Queen Margaret Academy.Please click on the option to download additional information on this vacancy to access the Job De...
Job DescriptionWhat is the role? To deal with the administration of locally delivered benefit claims including undertaking a proactive approach to ensure the correct benefits are in payment and to pro...
Job DescriptionWhat is the role?To assist in providing a flexible model of care to ensure the well-being of service users by maintaining recognised standards of both care and practice across all setti...
Job DescriptionWhat is the role?Under the direction of the Team Leader, be responsible for the delivery of high quality sports instruction.Please click on the option to download additional information...
Job DescriptionWhat is the role?Under the direction of the Health & Fitness Officer deliver a range of health referral based classes, inductions and health assessments.Please click on the option to do...