AdvertCleansing Labourer, Market Stance Depot (0211)37 hours Per Week, Permanent Position£28,652 to £29,732 per annum, inclusive of £2,859 per annum Distant Islands AllowanceA Cleansing Labourer is re...
AdvertRelief Domestic Assistants, Harris House Care Home, Isle of Harris£14.30 per hour, inclusive of £1.48 per hour Distant Islands AllowanceThe Care Home requires staff to cover periods of annual le...
AdvertNursery Key Worker, Qualified, Gaelic Medium, Sgoil Àraich an Tairbeirt (4978)34.5 hours per week, term-time, Permanent£24,466 - £26,735 per annum, inclusive of £2,303 Distant Islands Allowance ...
AdvertCook Supervisor (2463) Sgoil Bhaile a' Mhanaich27.5 hours per week, term time, Permanent post£19,000 - £20,763 per annum, inclusive of £1,789 Distant Islands Allowance per annumThe post holder w...
AdvertNursery Key Worker (4580), English, Unqualified, Stornoway Childcare Centre30.25 hours per week, year-round, permanent post£23,425 – £23,251 per annum, inclusive of £2,337 Distant Islands Allowa...
AdvertHomecare & Reablement Assistant, BarraPost 5048 - 17.5 hours per week, Permanent Position, £13,551 to £14,062 per annum (inclusive of £1,352 Distant Islands Allowance p.a.)The Home Care and Reab...
AdvertCleaner, Stornoway Primary School (0599)16.5 hours per week, term time, Permanent Post£10,437 - £10,534 per annum, inclusive of £1,102 Distant Islands AllowanceA cleaner is sought for 16.5 hours...
AdvertSupport for Learning Assistant (3139), The Nicolson Institute17 hours per week, term time, fixed term to 27 June 2025£11,081 - £11,499 per annum, inclusive of £1,106 Distant Islands Allowance pe...
AdvertCollections Assistant, Tasglann nan Eilean, Lews Castle, Isle of Lewis (5623)16 hours Per Week, Permanent Post£12,390 to £12,857 per annum (inclusive of £1,236 Distant Islands Allowance per annu...