For detailed description, please see Job Description. Please note applicants will be required to pay for their DBS check. Costs are deducted from salary following appointment. The cost of the DBS appl...
Please see attached the job description for more details on the main responsibilities for this role....
Please see detailed Job Description and Person Specification attached that details the role in more depth....
YOUR MAIN DUTIES You will work independently in Breast symptomatic breast 1-stop clinics and in Breast screening and assessment clinics. You will be independent in all aspects of US-guided and stereot...
The post could be extended subject to satisfactory progress particularly if undertaking research. For applicants keen to use these posts as a prelude for OOPR it is important that they research the po...
Please scroll down to access the full Job Description and Person Specification located in 'supporting documents'....
To develop/improve/maintain/manage communication/swallowing/feeding skills of adults/ children in a given location, through direct intervention, liaison and joint working with other staff and carers a...
For more information on the Job Description and Responsibilities please click the link below. More detail about the role: The administration role supports the Electronic Patient Record (Epic) training...
What should you do next? Have a look at the job description, and if you like what you see, then apply today. Dont miss this fantastic opportunity to work with a great team in a supportive environment ...
You will work independently in cross-sectional imaging reporting across all body parts. Subspecialty reporting to include whole body MR, gynaecological and urological imaging. You will need to be a ce...
The post holder will provide specialised nursing care and Positive Behavioural Support plans for adults living within the North Tyneside area who present with complex mental health and or forensic nee...
The must haves for you to be considered for this role: HCPC registration (or about to qualify/register) as an Occupational Therapist and excellent communications skills Understanding of intermediate c...
Job Title: Registered Nurse - PICU Trust: Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Location: Oxford Pay rates: Day: £18.66 Night / Sat: £ 24.26 Sun / Holiday: £ 29.85 Shift Patterns: Flexible ...
To provide specialist professional nursing intervention to adults with a Learning Disability, focusing on individuals who have complex health care needs. To work within the framework of the Integrated...
The Community Lead Nurse supports the Registered Manager in delivering high-quality, person-centred, and cost-effective services. Their duties include providing managerial support, clinical expertise,...
You will be able to find a full Job description and Person Specification attached within the supporting documents or please click Apply now to view in Trac....
**Please see the attached supporting job description and person specification document, which contains more information about the role and requirements. Please ensure your application refers to the jo...
Administrative Duties To have a thorough knowledge of all practice procedures and protocols and know where to access them for reference adhering to them at all times. To provide an efficient word proc...
Please scroll down to access the full Job Description and Person Specification located in 'supporting documents'....
The purpose of the role is to maximise safe, cost-effective, prescribing to improve the quality of patient care. The post-holder will help patients get the best from their medicines, use existing prot...
If you are looking for a new challenge and are a highly motivated experienced emergency clinician and are interested in an opportunity to further develop your advanced clinical and management skills w...
For further information regarding the role please see the attached job descriptions and person specifications....
Support the Fire safety Manager in actively managing the assurance of the Trust Fire Safety Policy, ensuring the required compliance and quality is achieved, within budget to include controls, assuran...
Please scroll down to access the full Job Description and Person Specification located in Documents to download. If you have further queries please dont hesitate to contact the line manager using the ...